BEpi Colombo Laser Altimeter (BELA)


BELA (BEpi Colombo Laser Altimeter)

Misión: BepiColombo (ESA)
Objetivo: Mercurio

Sistema de altímetro láser para el estudio de la superficie de Mercurio.

The main scientific objectives of the mission will be achieved via a number of studies:

  * Origin and evolution of a planet close to its parent star.
  * Mercury's figure, interior structure, and composition.
  * Characteristics and origin of its internal magnetic field.
  * Exo- and endogenic surface modifications: cratering, tectonics,
    polar deposits and volcanism.
  * Structure, composition, origin and dynamics of Mercury's exosphere.
  * Structure and dynamics of Mercury's magnetosphere.
  * Test of Einstein's Theory of General Relativity.
Desarrollo IAA: 

The ELU is an electronics box which houses the Power Converter Module (PCM), the Digital Electronics Module (DPM) and the Range finder Electronics Module (RFM). It is being integrated by DLR-PF in Berlin.

The PCM takes the spacecraft power supply (which is nominally 28 Volts) and converts the voltage to several other voltages that BELA needs to drive its electronics. The board is redundant so that a failure of one PCM will not lead to a complete failure of the experiment. The PCM is being developed by the Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (IAA) in Granada in cooperation with Spanish industry (CRISA).
Estado: Orbiter pre-launch tests at ESA's European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in The Netherlands
Lanzamiento: April, 2018
Primera luz: 2024